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Experiment, experiment, then scale

Experiment, experiment, then scale. This approach guides my teams in elevating marketing performance.

Here's our method:

Step 1: Everyone has a voice.
Be it a fresh pricing model, a unique event strategy, a novel landing page, repositioning, or a new partnership opportunity - anyone can bring ideas forward. The team member takes charge, piloting the experiment. We allocate a modest budget and mandate its performance measurement.

Success? Proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, we refine the tactic or simply accept that "we gave it a shot." Importantly, there's no finger-pointing for unsuccessful attempts.

Step 2: Replicate and reassess.
Re-run the test. Re-measure outcomes. Our goal? Deciphering the drivers of its success. If consistent results emerge, we move to Step 3. If not, we applaud the initial achievement, acknowledge its finite journey, and move forward.

Step 3: Time to scale up.
Discovering potential, we invest more to scale the opportunity. More budget is allocated, more resources are assigned, and performance continues to be tracked. We're rinsing and repeating Steps 1 and 2, but this time with more wood behind the arrow.

This approach empowers everyone. Everyone gets their chance. Everyone is genuinely vested in our collective achievements.

Each year, we launch hundreds of such experiments. Initiated on a modest scale, some transition to Step 2. An even smaller fraction advances to Step 3. However, those reaching this stage often generate a significant ripple effect.

Several Step 3 initiatives have grown into our most substantial demand-generation programs, driving growth over prolonged periods. Some have reached hundreds of thousands of people in our marketing, while others have catalyzed pivotal strategic alliances.

Do you foster a culture of experimentation in your teams? If so, how do you steer it?